Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Deathrattle is the new hotness

Naxx shenanigans from a fellow gamer and Hearthstone Dad:

So would the plural of Thaddius be Thaddiai?

What crazy combos have you been able to pull of in this wealth of new Hearthstone cards? Share in the comments below!

Monday, August 11, 2014

This post is, wait for it...Legendary

Seriously though, dust this guy.
Whether you're a parent or just plain busy, HearthDad hopes to help you by sharing useful articles. Dusting and crafting your first Legendary card can be intimidating, as you don't want to accidentally destroy a killer card, or create a dud. Lucky for you, I came across the following article:

Should You Dust It? The Guide to Disenchanting Legendary Cards (

The Internet loves to argue over things, especially lists, however the link above has a decent guide that I can get behind. And while we are on the topic, here's my personal Top 5 for Neutral Legendary Cards to Craft:

  1. Leeroy Jenkins
  2. Ragnaros the Firelord
  3. Cairne Bloodhoof
  4. Sylvanas Windrunner
  5. Bloodmage Thalnos
My actual ranking is pretty loose, and you should really let your own playstyle dictate how you rank cards. For example. do you like to play only aggro or only control? This will largely determine what cards you should be crafting. In the end, don't be afraid to get your feet wet and add some truly powerful cards to your deck.

Agree with the list? Have I totally missed a clutch card? Share your thoughts in the Comments section below.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

That's one crazy yeti

I haven't had a lot of time to grind out games on the ladder this season, especially in light of  some recent travel for the Fourth of July weekend. I've been trying various aggro decks like Face Hunter, Fast Druid, Shockadin, but after a lot of up and down, I think it's time to go back to the old standby of Zoolock.

Yesterday my futile ranking attempts, I did manage to to take a screenshot of this Priest who's last move was to buff his Chillwind Yeti with two Divine Spirits and an Inner Fire to create a crazy 28-28 Yeti...unfortunately for him, I hadn't taken any damage at that point.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Another season down

Making progress in my second season of actively playing the ladder and finished off at rank 8. Goal for the July 2014 season is to simply do better.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Personal goal

My personal Hearthstone goal for this season was to hit rank 10...and I just did it last night!

With five days left in the season, we'll see how far I might be able to stretch this little achievement!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Opening my second 40-pack bundle

I purchased my second bundle of 40 packs this past Thursday and would like to share with you some of the highlights:

Angry Chicken(57).png
Got my first (and second) Angry Chicken! While a great card to troll with, I've also recently got into The Angry Chicken podcast, which I highly recommend for players both new or old, competitive or casual.

Far Sight(107) Gold.png
Gold Far Sight: If I'm going to get a bad Epic or Legendary, let it be a gold one! This happened with my first bundle when I got a gold Kidnapper.

Equality(383).pngSword of Justice(567).pngLay on Hands(506).png
I was missing some of the staple Paladin cards, but was fortunate to open two copies of Equality, a second Divine Favor, Sword of Justice (which always reminds me of churrasco, aka Brazilian BBQ), and Lay on Hands. Time to level up my Pally!

Harrison Jones(602).pngTinkmaster Overspark(245).png
Legen...dary: True to the estimate of 1 legendary card for every 20 packs, I cracked open a Harrison Jones and a Tinkmaster Overspark. I look forward to trying out Mr. Jones in various decks, but the Tinkmaster will almost certainly be dusted.

Leeroy Jenkins(674).png
Most importantly, from all the dust I gained from duplicates and breaking down terrible cards, I was able to finally craft Mr. Leeroy Jenkins, who fits right into most of the decks I play. Do I feel cheap when I win with him? Sure. Does his signature call when hitting the board put a big grin on my face? Hell yeah!